Sunday, November 18, 2012

I just wish to return!!

It has been a strong inbred belief in me...that we are the ones to choose what is best and what we make out of life.The choices we make now may lay a way for greater things to come up.having said this...but knowing all of this i very easy i suppose,but doing what is right matters the most....because as it is rightly said "knowledge not put to practice is futile" and the very same gives us a path...of satisfaction and gratitude towards everything that makes it possible.But as i may put it...there remains no being who may not be affected or carried away by delusions coming in way of this noble practice.And today....i too feel standing on such a path...where i feel decisions i make here would affect people more than just me....actions of now..will decide my satisfaction...some years from now.The curiosity i nurture now...will give way to greater findings for not just me...but for the higher pursuit in life...that is "service". The once brazen thirst and hunger for greatness and completeness seems to be tangled in some kinds of strong invisible strings of neglect and connivance.In the pursuit i come back here...come back to one of my beloved sections of the heart....that is "writing"....with the same the same hunger...and to the sheer hunt for knowledge......."i just wish to return"

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